Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hi Families,
Thanks to those that could come join us at the Laps for LAPS on Friday night. The kids ran off a bunch of energy and raised some money for our school. Don’t worry if you couldn't make it to the family fun night, because this Friday is our school carnival! Hopefully,Weather permitting we will have it outside. Lots of games/food and family fun so invite your friends and family from 5-7pm. Pre-sale tickets are available this week until Wednesday. We need some more volunteers to help with set/clean-up. Look on the door of the preschool office for times. This is always a favorite of the kids so we hope to see you there!
This week in class we will finish up our Friendship unit by making some friendship mix. On Monday/Tuesday have your Busy Bee bring 2 cups of some sort of snack (crackers,dried fruit,cereal,etc,)to share with their friends. We’ll mix it all together and enjoy it at snack time. Remember NO NUTS please.  Also this week we are going to be doing a sharing activity that the kids will be bringing home to get some help from you. They will bring home a sack with a letter on it and need to find something that begins with that letter and bring it back to school in the bag. Then they have a chance to share it at circle time. We will do this a few times a month to get everyone a chance to “Share” and learn some letter sounds while we are at it. At the end of the week we are going to introduce our Fall unit and start learning about the season and what it’s all about.
I forgot to talk about T-shirts in my newsletter last week. If you would still like a t-shirt for your Busy Bee to wear on field trips and Kindred days, let me know. They are $5 and will be tie-dyed green, the color of our door. We will need help with the tie-dye process, volunteering for this will go towards your hours for the year.
Remember to mark your calendars for our fieldtrip to Bizi Farms on Oct. 17/18. This pumpkin patch trip is always lots of fun and a favorite of the kids. We go rain or shine.
I hope your kids are excited about school and are telling you some of the fun stuff we have been doing. Please always know that I want to hear from you about your child, concerns or comments. We are so thankful for the great families here at our school.
Teacher Kim
contact info: Email
Cell # 360-600-2875

Dates to remember:
Oct 4th....................All school carnival 5-7pm
Oct 17/18............................Pumpkin patch fieldtrip to BIZI farms
Oct 23/24........................Kindred(sing to Grandpas & Grandpas)
Oct 29..............Family fun night/Halloween read-in and costume contest 5:30-7:30
Oct 31........................Classroom Halloween party
Nov 7............................Parent/Teacher conferences
Nov 8th/11th...........................No school Veterans day 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hi Families,
I hope your kids are excited about school and are telling you some of the fun stuff we have been up to in the Busy Bee class. The kids are really liking the sign in sheet and name cards that we have added to our morning routine. You are all doing a great job of being on time, I know how hard getting out of the house can be in the morning. Remember to help your Busy Bee return their book bag/book to school. They should be bringing it into class at the beginning of school and taking care of it.
This week we are going to talk about friendship. What makes a good friend ,what kinds of things can friends do together and what you can do to make new friends. We will do some partner art and some journal page writing. We have some fun circle time activities that build community and group awareness. 
School picture day is this week in the Busy Bee class. The AM Class will have a group picture on Tuesday and their individual pictures on Wednesday. The Afternoon class will have both group and individual photos on Wednesday. Order forms were put in cubbies last week and need to be turned in on picture day. We will not be doing any messy art on these days so you can send kids in nice clothes if you would like.
Another event coming up this week is our family fun night on Friday. We are having a fundraiser called “Laps for LAPS” . Pledge sheets will be in cubbies on Monday. Kids get family and friends to pledge an amount for each lap they ride (bike,trike,wagon,stroller,walk) around the course. We estimate 10 laps per child. This is a new event for our school and we would love to see everyone there. To avoid crowding, each classroom has a time to complete their “laps”. The Busy Bee class is from 4:45 to 5:30. After completing their laps , kids will get a treat for participation.
Last week scholastic book order forms were put in cubbies. These are great books for a very reasonable price. For each book you buy, our classroom gets credit to get free books for our classroom. We will have orders several times a year. Let me know if you have questions.
This week we will be sending home an “ASQ” in your child’s cubbie. These questionnaires are to help us understand where your child is developmentally as we evaluate what we see in class. Please returns these to school in the next week or so.
Be sure and mark your calendar for October 17/18 and our annual pumpkin patch fieldtrip to BiZi farms. More info and directions to come in a few weeks.
If anyone is thinking about adding another day to your child’s school week, we have lots of room on Monday in the AM. We would love to have a few more Busy Bee’s this day. There is also room in the three year old classes if you know of families that are looking for a great school.
Please always know that I want to hear from you about your child, concerns or comments. We are so thankful for the great families here at our school.
Teacher Kim
contact info: Email
Cell # 360-600-2875

Dates to remember:
Sept. 24..........................Classroom photos AM Class
Sept. 25...........................individual photos for AM class/individual and Classroom photos Afternoon class
Sept. 27...................................Family Fun night -”Laps for LAPS”

Oct 17/18............................Pumpkin patch fieldtrip to BIZI farms

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hi Families,
We have been learning about letters and have been doing a bunch of activities around letter recognition. This week we will also be talking about friendship and what being a good friend looks like. Letter recognition is something we work at all year long as well as being a good friend. These are great ideas to build the beginning of the year on and help us see where we might need to focus learning. Thank you for all the positive feedback on your kids first few weeks. It helps us know we are doing a good job engaging kids and making them excited to come back.
The beginning of our class has a few new routines to it. When the door opens your kids should be taking care of their bookbags(if they have returned it). Please help them to remember to be in charge of their book bags, they should be carrying them into class and taking care of them. Then everyone should be signing in at the table and hanging up their name card in the “Who is in the hive” chart by circle time. Having a morning routine and getting them used to this expectation that they are in charge of things in class is a Kindergarten readiness skill. Thanks for your support with this and for helping your child to work on their independence.
This week we take our first walk across the street to sing to the Grandmas and Grandpas. The facility across the street is called “Kindred” and is a place for older folks that need care to rehab and also live. Our school has been doing this for many years and have found it to be a great experience for all. Those folks love to see the kids and light up when we are there singing. Parents are welcome to join us, let me know if you have more questions about this.
Next week we will be having school/class photos done professionally. All morning kids have a class group photo on Tuesday the 24th.Then on Wednesday the 25th  we will have individual photos of morning class kids. The Afternoon class will have both individual and class group photo on Wednesday the 25th. Look for info in cubbie boxes this week for prices and packages.
Thank you sooooo much for the donations that have been coming in, you are awesome families! We will start putting papers in portfolios this week so we can see the progress from the beginning of the year to the end. Be sure and count 15 minutes of volunteer time with your donation. Look in cubbies for a volunteer time log to keep track of your hours.
Our school finds a lot of value in community and planning activities that bring us together as a school. Our family fun night coming up next week is an example of that as well as the all school carnival on October 4th. We would love to see everyone involved and getting to know other families here at LAPS. There are volunteer opportunities at the carnival and throughout the school year that will be posted on the pre-school office door upstairs.
Please always know that I want to hear from you about your child, concerns or comments. We are so thankful for the great families here at our school.
Teacher Kim
contact info: Email
Cell # 360-600-2875

Dates to remember:

Sept 18/19...........................sing to the Grandmas and Grandpas (Kindred)
Sept. 24..........................Classroom photos AM Class
Sept. 25...........................individual photos for AM class/individual and Classroom photos Afternoon class
Sept. 27...................................Family Fun night -”Laps for LAPS”

Oct 4th ..............................LAPS Carnival 5:00-7:00pm

Oct 17/18............................Pumpkin patch fieldtrip to BIZI farms

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hi Families,

What a great first week we had in the Busy Bee class! Everyone enjoyed lots of playing and exploring in the classroom, had a turn to be a helper and worked on a few activities. I just love this age when the kids are so excited to be at school that separation issues are a thing of the past and a quick good-bye is all they need. A year can make a big difference in how they look at school and how important friends can be. Thank you, Parents for helping your child’s transition this last week go smoothly.
We are still missing some paperwork from a few families. Please try hard to get those back to the office this week. The goals sheet helps us know what you feel is important to  your child’s school year and the info sheet helps us get to know your family and child a little better. If you would like to receive the classroom newsletter each week via email and have not sent me your info, please email me at and I will get you set up. Also if you would like to  receive text message reminders and haven’t signed up for that, let me know and I’’ll get that to you. These are great ways to keep updated on what’s happening  in class and around our school.
This week during class we will be talking all about letters and doing a bunch of activities with the book “Chicka,chicka boom,boom”. We will go on a letter hunt, watch a video of the book, make our own coconut tree and learn all about the letters and sounds. This is also a good time for us to assess where the group is developmentally with reading readiness so we know what/how to teach. If your child has a favorite alphabet book they would like to bring in to share that would be great. The weather looks good for this week, so plan on bikes being out. If your child wants to take a turn on any ride on toy, they must bring a properly fitting helmet from home. 
The bookbags have been painted and are ready to take home a book in. The kids will bring home a borrowed book from the classroom bookshelf in their bookbag. Read it to them at least once and return it the next school day. Then they may pick out a new book to borrow,read and return. If they don’t return the book and bookbag to school , they may not choose a new one. Many of these books I have purchased or received from our school book fair and some are favorites of the class. Please talk to your kids about their responsibility for the book they borrow. This is a good way to introduce this idea of taking care of something that belongs to someone else, keeping the book clean, dry and safe from accidents is the goal. Thanks for your help with this little life lesson
Many of you have sent/signed up to bring in donations. My goal is to have enough binders to start portfolios by next week. The kids will be adding papers, work, art projects and photos to these books all year long and then in June, get to take them home. Remember that your donation counts as 15 minutes towards your 2 hours of volunteering per child.
Later this month we will be having school/class photos done professionally. There will be more info about this in a week or so, but mark your calendars for the week of Sept. 23rd. Also coming up this month is our first Family Fun night of the school year. Friday September 27 will be  “Laps for LAPS” it will be a fundraiser/ ice cream social. Keep your ears open for the details and more info to come.
The Busy Bee class has a different Assistant teacher in afternoon than the morning class. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows they can go to the assistants with questions or concerns as well as myself. Teacher Caroline is the morning assistant and Teacher Jaylene is the Afternoon. Thanks for being so supportive of our class and school!

Teacher Kim
contact info: Email
Cell # 360-600-2875

Dates to remember:

Sept 18/19...........................sing to the Grandmas and Grandpas (Kindred)
Sept. 23-27..........................Classroom/individual photos
Sept. 27...................................Family Fun night -”Laps for LAPS”

Oct 17/18............................Pumpkin patch fieldtrip to BIZI farms

Monday, September 2, 2013

       Welcome to a new school year Busy Bee’s and their families!
I had a chance to meet some of you last week at open house and enjoyed talking and hearing about your child. Please remember to bring all paperwork to the first day of class if you have not done so yet. Everything should be on-line for you to print from the website , except the immunization form. Class begins right at 9:00 for the am class and at 12:30 for the afternoon session. We start our time together at circletime, where we pick helper jobs,talk about our projects and activities that will happen in class. It is going to be important for your child to be on time to  school. Class is over at 11:45 for AM class and 3:15 for afternoon. Being on time for pick up is also a big deal. Your child gets concerned when they are the only ones left in class. There is also an extra charge for late pick up, $1 a minute after the first 5 minutes. This first week of school will be getting to know our classroom routines and expectations. We will be having some name writing, cutting and letter recognition activities to get some idea of where everyone is at developmentally. Not everyone is at the same place in their learning and we want to be sure we are on target to help them be successful. Keeping up on what’s going on in class is going to be a big part of helping your child have a great school year. If you would like to get the newsletter emailed to you, email me at and I will add you to the list. If you would like to receive text reminders, let me know and I will get you the paper with directions for that. Our school requires 2 hours of volunteer time per child for the school year. There are many chances for you to complete these hours through school activities,classroom help,supply donations. Look in the hallway for a sign up sheet to volunteer and get those hours out of the way. Each month there will be more ways to get them completed. Thank you in advance for the support this gives our school and program. We really can’t do this without awesome parents like yourselves.                                                                                                     Please have your child check their cubbie at the end of the day for papers to go home. This is a great routine for kids to get in, so let them check themselves and be in charge of coats,helmets,backpack etc. We are partnering to give them the self management skills they will need next year in all day Kindergarten when you and I won’t be there to do it for them. Also sending kids in clothes they can manage themselves(buttons,snaps,zippers) is also a big step in getting them independent and thinking about problem solving.                                    I have given you lots of info to process this week, so please let me know if you have questions or concerns. We are excited about the year ahead and getting to know all the new Busy Bee’s. Thanks for letting us be a part of your child’s pre-k experience!
Teacher Kim and Teacher Caroline
The Busy Bee song
We are the Busy Bee’s
mighty,mighty busy bee’s
everywhere we go-oh
people want to know-oh
who we are
so we tell them