Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hi Families,
       We have been having some great learning about hibernation and Bears in the winter. Last week we made muffins and read the story “Blueberries for Sal”. We talked about storing up food for the winter and what “Canning” means. We wrote bear facts and played a dice game to get the bear to her cave. This week we will be working on our own bear caves and writing stories about our bears. We will wrap up our unit with a “Hibernation Celebration” on Thursday and Friday. The kids can wear their Pajamas to class these days(we wont go out for playtime)   
and they may bring something to snuggle with(blanket,pillow) as well as their favorite hibernating stuffed animal. We will eat some bear snacks and watch a few books on DVD. If you would be able to donate a box of teddy grahams or bag of goldfish please let me know. 
It just happens that the family fun night is this Friday and is also a Pajama wearing event. This is in the evening from 5:30- 6:45 and not to be confused with the hibernation celebration we will have during class time. I guess kids can stay in PJ’s all day on Friday!
Anyway, we would love for your family to join us Friday night for a movie, cookies and hot chocolate upstairs in Jason Lee Hall.
I still need payment from a few families for the NWCT play “Goodnight Moon” that we will be seeing on Feb. 12th. Please get that in either to me or the preschool office on your child’s next school day.  
We did not get to sing to the Grandmas and Grandpas last week. Because we have had many sick kids and the Flu is in it’s prime, we decided it was best not to take a chance to give the folks over there anything we might have. We will plan to go next month .
The LAPS annual Dinner/auction is coming in March and needs some volunteers to help with the planning process and pre-event organizing. This would count towards your required volunteer hours for the school year. Let me know or stop by the preschool office and talk to Maria if you can help with anything. This has been a fun and profitable event for our school in the past and with your help we can keep up the tradition.
  Remember to keep sick kids home and let us know if they have flu like symptoms so we can track how many families are being affected by this flu going around. We are working hard to keep germs away and sanitize classrooms and play areas. Having kids wash their hands before they come into class(especially if they come from the playroom) would be another way we can keep our classroom germ free.
Our school will be having registration for the 2014-2015 school year starting next month. Although most of your kids will be moving on to Public school Kindergarten in the Fall, if you have younger siblings that will be coming to LAPS, now is the time to choose their classroom. We also will try to open our own Kindergarten class in the Fall and would love to know if you are interested in having your child attend.The hours for Kindergarten will be from 9:00 to 12:30. Let Maria know if you are considering this for your child. Our School day hours will be changing next Fall. Morning class will begin at 9:00 and end at 12:00. Afternoon class will be from 12:45 to 3:45. Please spread the word about our school and let friends and family know what a great program we offer. Registration for families not already enrolled at LAPS is Feb. 7th.
Please let us know if you have question or concerns. We are here to help your child and family have a positive school experience and feel supported. Thanks for the privilege of being a part of your child's learning process. 
Teacher Kim

contact info: Email     Cell # 360-600-2875

Wish List:
Page protectors

Dates to remember:
Jan. 30&31........................Hibernation Celebration(Pajama day)
Jan.31...................................Family Fun Night 5:30-7:00
Feb 12.........................NWCT play “Goodnight Moon” 9:45 & 12:00
Feb.13 & 14...........................Valentine’s day classroom parties
Feb 17th........................Presidents Day-No School

Hibernation song (tune: “Aleuta Jonte Aleuta”)

time for hibernation
Time to go to sleep.
In the winter where’s the bear?
Sleeping in his log or lair
Where’s the bear?
Log or lair
time for hibernation
Time to go to sleep.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hi Families,
              REMEMBER: No school Monday Jan 20th in honor of MLK day
Hope everyone saw my blog post or email about our classroom pet Lulu and had a chance to talk to your Busy Bee about her. I wanted families to be able to handle her death they way that worked best for them. As we move through the next week , we will be writing some stories and drawing pictures of her to get some closure for the kids. We will also discuss what kind of new classroom pet would be a good choice. Thanks for your support and for walking your kids through something hard.
For the next two weeks we are going to be focusing on Bears and hibernating. We will be doing some fun art, making our own bear caves, counting and graphing gummy bears and learning more about what bears do in the winter. We will wrap up our learning with a “Hibernation Celebration” on Jan 30 & 31st. The kids can wear their PJs to school and bring something to snuggle with, we’ll eat “bear snacks” and watch some books on DVD. 
This week we will also go to Kindred to sing to the Grandmas and Grandpas .
We are collecting money for the NWCT play “Goodnight Moon” that we are seeing in February. It is $ 5 a ticket and can be paid in class or in the preschool office. We need your payment by the end of the week.
The LAPS annual Dinner/auction is coming in March and needs some volunteers to help with the planning process and pre-event organizing. This would count towards your required volunteer hours for the school year. Let me know or stop by the preschool office and talk to Maria if you can help with anything. This has been a fun and profitable event for our school in the past and with your help we can keep up the tradition.
Mark your calendars for the family fun night this month. It will be on Friday Jan. 31 in the evening from 5:30-7:00. We will be having a PJ/movie night for the whole family, cookies and hot chocolate and a free fun night for kids. If your family will be joining us, please sign up on the sheet in the hallway so we can plan accordingly.
Remember to keep sick kids home and let us know if they have flu like symptoms so we can track how many families are being affected by this flu going around. We are working hard to keep germs away and sanitize classrooms and play areas. Having kids wash their hands before they come into class(especially if they come from the playroom) would be another way we can keep our classroom germ free.
Our school will be having registration for the 2014-2015 school year starting next month. Although most of your kids will be moving on to Public school Kindergarten in the Fall, if you have younger siblings that will be coming to LAPS, now is the time to choose their classroom. We also will try to open our own Kindergarten class in the Fall and would love to know if you are interested in having your child attend. Let Maria know if you are considering this for your child. 
Please let us know if you have question or concerns. We are here to help your child and family have a positive school experience and feel supported. Thanks for the privilege of being a part of your child's learning process. 
Teacher Kim

contact info: Email     Cell # 360-600-2875

Dates to remember:
Jan 20..............................MLK Day-No school
Jan. 23..............................Kindred(sing to Grandmas & Grandpas)
Jan. 30&31........................Hibernation Celebration(Pajama day)
Jan.31...................................Family Fun Night 5:30-7:00
Feb 12.........................NWCT play “Goodnight Moon” 9:45 & 12:00
Feb.13 & 14...........................Valentine’s day classroom parties
Feb 17th........................Presidents Day-No School

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hi Busy Bee Families,

I wanted to let everyone know that "Lulu" the classroom pet guinea pig died on Thursday night this week. She was "old" for a guinea pig and had lived a good life, loved by many kids and parents too. This was not mentioned in class. I want each family to have a chance to talk to their Busy Bee and explain the situation the way they feel is best. Please talk to your kids about Lulu, let them ask questions and give them simple answers. Let them know its okay to be sad, Teacher Kim is sad too. Next week we will be talking about it in class and see what the kids think and how much they need/want to talk/discuss. We will be drawing some pictures and writing some happy memories of Lulu and her time with us. 
Let me know if you have any more questions or if I can help you in any way with this.
Thank you for supporting me and your Busy Bee,

Teacher Kim

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Hi Families,

It was a good week back to school! We started our winter theme unit with lots of snow and snowflake activities. We did a cooking project where we made “snowflake tortillas” The recipe is at the end of the newsletter.  We continue our theme this week and start learning about what animals do in the winter. Which animals hibernate or migrate? How are we like the animals or different than them?  We are going to be making some bird feeders to help out our feathered friends during the winter. If your child has something to share that is “winter theme” related, they may bring it in anytime.
Thank you to all that got back to me about the NWCT play we are going to in February. We will start taking $5 per person next week, that can be paid to us in class. I actually know one of the young people acting in the play and have heard the kids will love it. Thanks for supporting your Busy Bee! Reminder: there will be NO CLASS on the day of the play, Feb 12th.
We could use some classroom helpers. The sign up sheet is in the hallway. This is a great chance to see what we do in class and help us out too. If you can’t , there are a few at home jobs also. Remember that everyone has a 2 hour per child volunteer commitment for the school year. There is also another opportunity to get you hours in at the Auction/dinner in March, sign ups for that are on the preschool office door. Thank you for your support of our school, we couldn't  do it without you.
Remember to keep sick kids home and let us know if they have flu like symptoms so we can track how many families are being affected by this flu going around. We are working hard to keep germs away and sanitize classrooms and play areas.
Our school will be having registration for the 2014-2015 school year starting next month. Although most of your kids will be moving on to Public school Kindergarten in the Fall, if you have younger siblings that will be coming to LAPS, now it the time to choose their classroom. We also will try to open our own Kindergarten class in the Fall and would love to know if you are interested in having your child attend. Let Maria know if you are considering this for your child. 
Teacher Kim

contact info: Email     Cell # 360-600-2875

Dates to remember:
Jan 20..............................MLK Day-No school
Jan. 23..............................Kindred(sing to Grandmas & Grandpas)
Jan. 30&31........................Hibernation Celebration(Pajama day)
Jan.31...................................Family Fun Night
Feb 12.........................NWCT play “Goodnight Moon” 9:45 & 12:00
Feb 17th........................Presidents Day-No School

Snowflake Tortillas

Flour tortilla
Melted butter
Cinnamon/sugar mixture

Take the tortilla and fold it in half, then in half again. Using scissors that are clean, cut small cuts out of the tortilla on the folded sides. When your cutting is finished, open tortilla and lay on a piece of foil. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with cinn/sugar mix. Bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 mins or until light brown on the edges. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hi Families,

Welcome back and Happy New Year! Hopefully everyone had some great times over the break and are ready to get back to the routines of school, I know I am. 
This first week back we will be talking and learning about Winter Weather. It would be great if we actually had some of the white stuff, but we’ll have to wait and hope for that. We’ll be doing some writing activities about snow and snowmen, do some fun art with a snow theme and make some predictions about ice in the sensory table. 
We are still needing a count for the NWCT play “Goodnight Moon” that we will be attending in February. If you have not signed the sheet in the hallway, letting us know how many tickets you need, please do so this week. The cost is $5 per ticket. As with any field trip, parents are responsible for transportation and supervision during field trips. Let me know if you have any questions about this.
Remember to dress kids for the weather of the day. If it is not raining, we will go outside. Also, our classrooms can be chilly this time of year, so dressing kids in layers is a good plan. Putting names in coats, jackets, hats can help keep track of your kids belongings and not get them mixed up with someone else's.
We are still in the middle of cold and flu season, so here at school we will be cleaning and disinfecting daily. Please have your kids wash their hands before entering class and remember our school policy on sick kids. If kids have a fever,runny nose with mucus, or have vomited in the last 24 hours, please keep them home. Most kids that are sick usually dont feel like participating  in classroom activities anyway. So keep them home and let them rest. Also, if your child will be out of class for the day, please call the preschool office, send me a text or email letting us know.
Later this month there will be another family fun night. On Jan 31st we will be having a PJ movie night here at school. If you think you will be joining us, please sign up on the sheet in the hallway so we can get a count.
2014 is going to be great! Cant wait to spend the rest of our school year together, Thanks for your support
                    Teacher Kim

contact info: Email     Cell # 360-600-2875

Dates to remember:
Jan. 6..............................Class resumes
Jan.10...............................Tuition Due
Jan 20..............................MLK Day-No school
Jan. 23..............................Kindred(sing to Grandmas & Grandpas)
Jan.31...................................Family Fun Night
Feb 12.........................NWCT play “Goodnight Moon” 9:45 & 12:00
Feb 17th........................Presidents Day-No School